Catalystk CRM allows viewing the complete report of products purchased
The purchase report describes the record of all the data that have been made and products that have been purchased during a particular time frame from a supplier or vendor. In Catalystk CRM, all of your company's purchase reports can be viewed and downloaded as excel. The purchase reports can be viewed by way of a Product Purchase, Purchase Enquiry Reports and Purchase Order Reports.
1. The Product Purchase report can be viewed by:
a. Time periods, where time duration is selected for all products and also for a particular product.
b. Daily Reports, where the reports are viewed for a desired period of time by selecting from date and to date for all products or for a particular product.
2. The Purchase Enquiry reports can be viewed by way of all purchase enquiry reports, status wise, and campaign wise. The reports can be viewed by time period wise, and also daily report by way of selecting from date and to date.
3. The Purchase Order reports can be viewed by purchase order reports, status wise, campaign wise, promotion wise, and supplier report. The purchase order reports and supplier reports are viewed by time period wise, and daily report by way of selecting from date and to date.
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Benefits of purchase report: