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"Organization" tab has been renamed as the "Setup" tab.

 Organization / Setup tab includes Branches, Users, Access Control, Team, Employee, Designation, Company Structure, Support structure.


Functions of Setup tab:

Setup tab is the main tab which is used to create a company's branch details, employee details, create a designation for the employees, give access for the employees so that he or she can work with the given access to them, and also create a company structure and support structure that shows to whom their employees should report.

 Steps for finding the Setup tab:

1. Click the side menu option of the "Home" tab and then click the "Setup" tab. (the last tab)

2. In the "Setup" tab options, click the required tabs like Branches, Users, etc.. to proceed.

3. If any changes are done in the Setup tab, kindly "Log out" and "Log in


NOTE: For any clarifications Kindly contact the support team
